Labor law - Labor Laws

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Labor law



Labor law governs the relationship between an employee and an employer and regulates the initial hiring process, job duties, wages, promotions, benefits, employment reviews, termination and any other area that deals with labor. Labor lawalso includes litigation of unfair labor practices such as sexual discrimination and meal break issues.

Consequences of Labor Law:

Labor law protects employees from being harassed, discriminated against, wrongfully terminated and/or denied overtime or appropriate break times. Employees should be protected by labor law, getting their right to privacy, fair compensation, and freedom from discrimination.

What a Lawyer can do for you:

Labor lawyers handle labor law cases and offer mediation, arbitration, litigation, and appeals. If you are applying for a job or you are a current employee and you are experiencing labor law issues, a labor lawyer can help. A labor lawyer can review documents, research the law, interview witnesses, plan a legal strategy, and negotiate on your behalf.

Lawyer Referral Service:

If you need a labor lawyer for your labor law issues, Attorney Search Network can help. We can help refer you to a labor lawyer who is knowledgeable about the different labor laws.

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