Credit Repair Organizations Act - Labor Laws

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Thursday, December 10, 2015


Credit Repair Organizations Act

Credit repair organizations provide a service to alleviate the burden of poor credit scores. They can get copies of your credit report, send letters to creditors disputing false or inaccurate information, and attach statements to your credit reports which can explain specific credit problems and issues.
Although these services can be done for free by the consumer, these organizations can save you quite a hassle and help speed up the process a bit.
Companies are considered credit repair organizations if at any point they take money in exchange for improving credit scores.
Credit Repair Organizations Act
The Credit Repair Organizations Act was created to protect people from illegal or malicious activity by scam-like credit repair companies. The law ensures that credit repair consumers are fully aware of their rights and are able to make decisions about how to pay the chosen company. According to the Credit Repair Organizations Act, credit repair organizations cannot legally:
  • Lie or advise the consumer to lie about his or her credit history to current or future loaners/creditors.backgroundcheck

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